Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Simple Pleasures

I haven't written in forever and that's ok. I am the only one who reads this anyway.. sort of like my bliary......

This week I have experienced God's grace and wonder in a few simple pleasures and I think that before the wonder and beauty of life escapes me this week, I should write them down.

First of all, I rode my bike with one of my kids. When I say rode my bike, I mean that we rode for 6 miles round trip on beach cruisers, with no gears, through central Texas' rolling concrete and asphalt hills. It was 95 degrees yet completely exhilarating. I was in my own little world recalling the days of my childhood, cruisin through Chester, SC on my huffy with big ape hanger handle bars and a huge banana seat. Flying through tiny neighborhood streets, beautiful ivy covered lawns, the smell of honeysuckle thick and sweet in the air. Elderly people on their porches, rocking......I hope that my daughter discovered what it means to own a bicycle. To have the freedom of mobility, in a country where you can go where-ever you want to ....whenever you want.

The second revelation of beauty this week happened when I discovered my daughter reading.....SHE HATES TO READ......and yet, there she was, reading while eating a sandwich, A diary.......a christian teen book has her so captivated......praise God.

And lastly.....there is a simple peace and joy in a pre dawn flight... quiet airports, easy security lines.....Amen

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Elvis Lives!

Well at the Ohana BeachComber in Waikiki he does! we saw the Magic of Polynesia and he was the opening act!

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Monday, June 29, 2009


What a good day for America! Sotomayor was overturned AGAIN! It would seem that racism DOES work both ways. So-- She has been overturned by the Supreme Court 66% of the time--- That makes her someone that I DON"T want sitting on the Supreme Court.

And ole' Bernie! 150 years........not long enough, but a great start. YOu can't swindle with out paying the piper.

The Lord was smiling at us today.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


I haven't written in forever, and this isn't going to be much...just wanted to say that I am going to do better... I am in kentucky at the moment and headed down to the gym.

Monday, April 6, 2009

If I stay long enough, and I find someone willing to sing with me--these are my karaoke!

Actually-- I HAVE sung most of these at a quasi Karaoke bar... does the back porch of a prison in the middle of the Iraqi Desert count?


Krysta is selling cookie dough!!!! I put an ad on ebay.. maybe this will
payoff for us?

Weekend in my own paradise (UNCLASSIFIED)

Sounds silly, I know. But truly what is bliss? It is defined by each
individual and sometimes defined moment by moment. Here lately it is
defined by peace.

Saturday at 730am (begrudgingly) we gathered at FUMC-RR for the District
YEAH, "Labor for your Neighbor". I had asked that our kids be split from
me.. two reasons--so that they could branch out and talk to other adults and
children... and so I could hang out with kids that don't automatically hate
me because I am family.

We made sandwiches, and received our vehicle assignments and the directions
to the homes that each team would paint. The day was windy and cool at
first, but it warmed up seemingly in direct proportion to our spirits. My
team was mostly teen girls in middle school. We did have three middle
school boys and I felt bad for them, it seemed that no matter what they
said or did -- the girls would not respond to them. NO answering of
questions, no laughing at jokes.. just general cold shouldering. How tough
it must be to be a middle school boy. I encouraged the girls to be a
little less self absorbed and at least be courteous to the boys. All in
all, we had a hard working group and since our house required very little
scraping (comparatively) we were finished early.

Krysta and Robin were on a team together, and through my network of
informants (otherwise known as group leaders or adults) I learned that they
were both working very hard, but that Robin was still not talking as of 11
am. As their day progressed I also learned that they had all of the
rambunctious, loud, obnoxious kids. The ones that threw handfuls of paint
and were not actively working to complete the job. Perhaps God was using
this to teach my teens tolerance and patience?? Hmmm......

Tyler was on the high school team and they finished relatively early also.
They drove over to help the middle school team but decided against it when
they say the level of co-operation or lack thereof. I can't blame them for
not wanting to help when the kids present wouldn't help themselves.

It seems to me, in my quiet observation of the youth groups that there is a
glaring blaring absence of men. Not to say that there aren't any.... but
there are very few. The kids recognize the impact of those few. Robin
actually said "Man I wish I had been on Mr. Anthony's team. He doesn't put
up with this sort of bull." If we all know that children prefer authority
and structure, even if they can't/don't express it...shouldn't we work
harder to give it to them? I am sad to say that it may not be long, before
we seek a more structured; calm; and reverent church youth program. There
are too many families dropping their kids off and then leaving! The
atmosphere is just crazed.

This brings me to a sidebar about American society as a whole... we have
devalued men. Truly, we act as if children don't need fathers; women don't
need husbands; and girls can do anything as well as- if not better than
boys. It is true that women/girls should not be discouraged in any
undertaking, as if they were inferior to the opposite sex-- but honestly...
we are different. Made to be different. It's in the bible. I promise.
Besides, when did we stop appreciating the men fight and die, so that we
don't HAVE to? That men are different from us, in that they should be
expected to be our best "girlfriends" -- they are our partners, our
companions, our counterparts.... but they ARE MEN! They are inherently
different from us. -- Perhaps a bit more on this later...

Sunday was blessed; I cooked french toast and bacon for us (and the dog);
and we had two visitors with us at church. Robin took his girlfriend and
Krysta took a friend from school. Tyler ran that video system for the
sanctuary at the 830 in the sanctuary. They we went about our day,
shopping, picnicking in the park, playing with the dog; going to the movies
and resting. It was nice to not have any internal fights and arguments. No

But alas, it is Monday. Back to the GET UP FOR SCHOOL; DO YOUR HOMEWORK;


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Stuck in an elevator with Scott

He's my hero and I know that he could get us out, but if not.. He's great company! I don't want to be stuck anywhere without him!

Pastor Paul Dupree
He moves me, is enlightening and a great spiritual conduit!

WOW-- what a model life to follow.. interesting and thought provoking

Colin Powell
He just plain smart and well spoken

Sandra Bullock
I don't like many women but she represents herself to be the type of person that I could SOOOO DIG!
Nice ; Funny; pretty; smart!!!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tupelo Beta Club Convention

I am so blessed! All of my children are super talented, but this blog is dedicated to my daughter! She just got back from the MS Beta Club Convention.

I hear that they had loads of fun..some of it inspired by .

She competed in the Quiz Bowl and though her team did not win-- she did saran wrap the chaparone's shower head and shampoo bottle, had the front desk give the chaparone a wake up call at 4 am and she vaselined the door knobs and closet racks in the teacher's room!

I hope she goes down in HISTORY-- and that the teacher doesn't follow my lil' ole blog!

I love you Doodle, you make me very proud!
Love Mom

Lady Tigers Pounce on Round Rock High

Last night my eldest expressed an interest in attending the Stony Point 9th grade softball game, hosted by the Round Rock High School. (I think he is flirting with someone on the team) I am always up for letting them attend school events and sporting events, so two in one is AWESOME!

Congrats to the Lady Tigers on the WIN!
03/31/2009 — Softball
Stony Point 4, Round Rock 2
WP: Kirk.LP: Rabaey.HR: R: Cole.Highlights: Kirk 16Ks. Rabaey 9Ks.Records: RRHS (2-5). SPHS (5-2).

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My bucket list starts with: Dinner under the Tuscan Sun with my husband

Dinner under the Tuscan Sun with my husband
Pasta; mushrooms, bread; and beer

Visit the Austin Speed Shop
A CAMERA; my husband

Visit Raj in Nepal
My husband; some TUMS; camera and money! Plus, bringing Raj back with us!

Robert Wayne Shoes

My family and I went into a Robert Wayne Store in the Round Rock Outlet Mall on a Sunday afternoon at about 245pm. We heard very vulgar lyrics, from the store speakers (want it need it by Plies if you need to google the lyrics) so we left.. I couldn't believe that a store would play such music.

I wrote the company at the site above and waited for over a week for a representive to contact me. He told me that the stores play top 40 radio stations, in an effort to appeal to their market. He frankly couldn't understand why I was so offended.

My jaw is still on the floor.

At last, I write

And so, here we are-- in Texas. Having never been to Texas, I was uncertain as to what we should expect... but it seems that it is as with all things.. exactly what you make of it.

The kids are settled in at school, the three we have with us, a football player, a basketball player and a cheerleader! The drummer is still living the enviable life of an only child with her Dad in MS.

We have been volunteering as a means to find our way around and to see what interests the kids. For worthy causes also!

Check out R.O.C.K., Ride On Center for Kids, located in Georgetown, is a non profit provider of therapeutic horseback riding and Hippotherapy for individuals with cognitive and physical challenges.

Also, we painted two restrooms at Starry and then we worked a coach car on the Austin Steam Train..

Things are tough for us economically, hence the move here for employment, but we are surviving. We go hiking and swimming and cook together...sometimes we make two trips as we currently don't all fit in the car at once! hahahahaha

Though the city is not yet our home, it is a nice place to live. People are always outside with their pets or kids, and there are tons of parks and cultural activities.

We are attending a great church, though it is HUGE--- we are trying to integrate.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Math Contest News Release

JCJC Hosts MCTM Jr. H.S. Math Contest

JCJC sponsored the Mississippi Council of Teachers of Mathematics district Jr. High School Math contest. Winners pictured left to right include: JCJC Math instructor Angela Cooley, eighth grade second place winner Armendia Hulsey, seventh grade first place winner Kalyb Sims, seventh grade second place winner Michael Owen, eighth grade first place winner Zach Walker and JCJC Math instructor Tim Rayner

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Robin **** is Camden's spelling champ

Robin ****, an eighth-grader at Camden Middle School (CMS), won the 2009 Camden County Schools Spelling Bee. The winning word was "rhombus."
Robin said he enjoys reading scary books and adventure stories, especially those written by Stephen King. He also enjoys playing basketball, using computers and playing video games.
The runner-up was Mary Lee Clark Elementary fourth-grader Brian Castro. The contest was open to students in fourth- through eighth-grades. Each elementary and middle school in the county supplied one contestant who had won the spelling bee at his or her school.
The competition was held at the board of education administrative offices on Feb. 4. CMS Assistant Principal Dr. Christie Roberts coordinated the event. The caller was CMS media specialist Shan Peters. The judges were Matilda Harris Elementary Assistant Principal Roz Toshach and Crooked River Elementary Assistant Principal Nancy Boone.